Carissa Luminess
As a 59 year old post-menopausal woman I was having chronic vaginal infections for the past several years due to tightness and changes in my vaginal tissues which no amount of medical treatment could resolve. I received immediate relief upon my first pelvic floor treatment by Dhara and the infection has not returned in the 5 months I've been going to her. I was able to gradually decrease my appointments and now things are holding very well and I've been released from regular treatments and will return only as needed. She also gave me some great yoga stretches for the outer muscles of my pelvis which will empower me to keep that whole area fluid and open.On a psychological, emotional level this is also very profound work and greatly contributed to the final stages of healing of my childhood sexual abuse. I feel much more stable and grounded in my own energy center and connected to Mother Earth. On a subtle level I have claimed my inner authority and no longer look outside myself for affirmation which has been a huge shift!

Lizzy Fallows
Dhara balances total professionalism and effectiveness with warmth and kindness. From our first visit, she helped me understand my injury (prolapse) and importantly, my path to recovery. A passionate advocate for women's health, mother of two, and deeply knowledable, experienced therapist, my weekly treatments with Dhara have taken me from a scarry, painful place to one filled with hope, newfound strength, and critically, no more pain. Dhara constantly improves her treatment protocal based on scientific evidence and patient performance; I trust her with my body and recommend her to all mothers.

Sandy McOwen
Following a procedure to correct an over active bladder, I still had issues with leakage and also anxiety about being close to a bathroom almost all of the time. Following 6 weeks of once a week sessions with Dhara and at home exercises, the leakage problems have resolved, my bladder is much calmer and so am I! I am very pleased with my experience at Pelvic Health Center of Santa Barbara. Dhara explained pelvic floor therapy in a way I could understand, and was very professional throughout the treatment. It was also very helpful to have the at home program, and Dhara took the time to answer all of my questions about the office visit procedures and the therapy at home. I am happy to encourage anyone experiencing an overactive bladder to seek help from the Pelvic Health Center of Santa Barbara.